As the date for KLEE approaches, the big question on every student’s mind is – “when exactly is the date?
It is only natural as students have been preparing since April first 2024. That makes it about two and a half months as on this blog publishing date.
Just to cap things which you already know –
KLEE secures admission to the four government law colleges in Kerala – Ernakulam, Calicut, Tiruvananthapuram , Thrissur.
Clearing KLEE secures admission to either 5- year or 3-year LLB. The former is for those students who have cleared their plus two and the latter for Graduates.
Through this blog we aim to give all relevant information about KLEE exam.
Eligibility for KLEE:
5-Year LLB –
Candidates should have passed the qualifying plus 2 level examination. Minimum pass marks should be 45% for general category and 40% for SC / ST category.
3-Year LLB –
Candidates should have passed the qualifying graduation level examination. Minimum pass marks should be 45% for general category and 40% for SC / ST category.
KLEE Syllabus:
There are 200 questions in KLEE. All the 200 questions are MCQ’s – Multiple Choice Questions. It is spread over 4 sections – Legal (includes Constitution), English, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Mental Ability.
These topics in these four sections can be broadly broken down as –
Legal – Law of Contract, Law of Torts, Law of crimes, Types of liabilities, general legal awareness, constitutional and fundamental rights, Intellectual property rights etc.
English – Synonyms & Antonyms, fillers, passage comprehension, generic grammar – prepositions, articles, reported speech, subject-verb rules, parts of speech usage, jumbled sentence, error spotting etc.
General knowledge and Current affairs – Awards, national symbols, geography, first in India , sports , books and authors , UNO and other international bodies, latest national and international developments.
Mental ability – profit and loss, time and distance, time and work, blood relation, syllogism, ratio and proportion, percentage etc.
The syllabus for 5-year and 3-year LLB is the same. However, note that 3-year LLB will be more difficult as it taken by graduate pass students.
Controlling authority of KLEE exam:
It is set by the Controller of Examinations (CEE), Govt of Kerala. The entire administration process from announcement of the date to publication of results comes under the scope of CEE.
Website: https://cee.kerala.gov.in/cee/
KLEE Exam medium:
It is a computer based online test. The questions will be displayed on the screen in ascending order starting from 1 and ending at 200. After selecting the correct answer, the student has to press the submit button.
If a student wants to clear the answer and mark a new one, they can press on “clear response” button and select the new answer.
If a student wants to come back to a question they have not marked (suppose they want to come back to Q no 11 after answering Q No 30), they can click on Q no 11 displayed in the palate.
The exam duration is of 120 minutes – 2 hours. So Average time to answer a question is about 40 seconds.
Please note there will be a familiarization test 15 minutes before the start of the actual exam. Students are advised to take this test
KLEE scoring pattern:
3 marks for a right answer
1 mark for negative or wrong answer
0 mark for not answering or leaving a question
So, a student having answered 124 questions right, 49 wrong and left 27 questions will get a score of 323.
KLEE exam dates:
The official notification from CEE, Kerala is expected somewhere around June 2024 end or beginning of July 2024. This will be published on its website. The candidates will have to complete the application process. This includes submission of the required documents along with the application form.
The last day for application form submission will be somewhere near to three weeks from date of notification.
Once all documents have been uploaded in the site by the candidate and subject to verification by CEE, the admit card will be released.
Application Fee for KLEE 5-year and 3-year: INR 685 / for general category and INR 345 / for SC & ST category.
Probable dates for KLEE:
The expected date for KLEE exam 2024 is either July (end) 2024, or between August 1st to 10th 2024.
KLEE 5-Year exams will be held first followed by 3-Year. Normally there is a gap of one week (maximum) between the exams. The exception was 2022 where there was a gap of almost one month between 5-Year and 3-Year exams.
The KLEE examination timing going by preceding years will be between 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
Answer key and admission process:
The answer key will be released by CEE two weeks after the exam. It will be published on the CEE website and students can check their respective scores according to admit card number.
To summarize:
Students are advised to observe on the CE website as mentioned above any notifications that may come regarding the dates of the exam. Please read all instructions carefully about the application process. Ensure that all documents are ready in-hand so as to avoid any last-minute confusions. We @ JobSecura will also keep on updating you about the same.